Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Leftists Hit Bottom?

Cold Fury, in Palin is the New Bush, sums up how I feel about legitmating extreme left-wing discourse:

For a good long while there, some of the more genial and polite souls in the right blogosphere seemed all too eager to give people like Yglesias and Oliver Willis the benefit of the doubt as perfectly reasonable and worthy opponents in a polite, genteel debate that never really existed; it seemed plain enough to me all along what they were really all about. But sooner or later, even the most unreasonably optimistic among us realizes that the toad isn’t going to turn into a prince, no matter how arduously they keep kissing it.
This comes after a discussion of Andrew Sullivan and Matthew Yglesias. As I note here on Sullivan (and those "Rovian Islamists"), the left's comparisons between American conservatives and the hardliner in Iran is simply breathtaking. But see also, "Yglesias Hits Bottom."

Glenn Reynolds has in interesting post on his battles with these idiots going back 5 years. It turns out Yglesias went so far to say, "
Fuck you," Glenn, during a debate over President Bush and Iraq.

Maybe even
Ann Althouse is finally coming around - the end of Althouse/Yglesias bloggingheads?

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