Thursday, June 4, 2009

Neocon Reaction to Obama in Cairo

Here's Liz Cheney on President Obama's speech to the Muslim world. In 2005, Ms. Cheney was appointed Principal Deputy Assistant Secretary of State For Near Eastern Affairs for the George W. Bush administration. And she has been closely identified with neoconservative foreign policy:

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But check some other (generally) neoconservative voices as well:

* Abe Greenwald at Commentary, "Obama Obliges Ahmadinejad."

* Atlas Shrugs, "Obama to Ummah: "America is not – and never will be – at war with Islam" Usama: Called for "Long War Against Infidels."

* Rachel Abrams at Weekly Standard, "
More Speech, In Brief."

* Dan Riehl, "Obama's Ich Bin Ein Muslim Speech."

* Max Boot at Commentary, "Obama in Cairo."

* Flopping Aces, "Obama’s Cairo Speech: So Many Apologies So Little Time."

* Peter Feaver, "
Obama in Cairo - A Modest Step Forward."

* Michael Goldfarb at Weekly Standard, "A History of Violence."

* Ira Stoll at Commentary, "

* Israel Matzav, "
Obama: Hamas and Hezbullah Are No Longer Terrorists," and "Obama's Moral Equivalence of the Day."

* Jennifer Rubin at Commentary, "
Re: Obama in Cairo."

* Michelle Malkin, "
Rainbows and Unicorns and a World Without the J-Word."

* Peter Wehner at Commentary, "The Not So Golden Mean."

* Power Line, "Obama's Cairo Speech, A First Take."

* Stephen Hayes at Weekly Standard, "
The Speech."

* Debbie Schlussel, "The Obama Apologist Speech to Islam & Al-Azhar; CAIR and Faux-Conservative Ignoramus Loved the Speech."

* Yid With Lid, "
How Obama's Cairo Speech Threw Israel Under the Bus."

I want to give a special shout out to Melanie Phillips, one of my favorite neocons, and her post, "Obama in Cairo":

So in conclusion, yes, there was some positive stuff in this speech – but it was outweighed by the United States President's shocking historical misrepresentations, gross ignorance, disgusting moral equivalence between aggressors and their victims, and disturbing sanitising of Islamist supremacism.

In short, deeply troubling.

I don't see anything yet from Jules Crittenden, Charles Krauthammer, or William Kristol.

Interestingly, Captian Ed thought the speech was "
suprisingly good."

But for conclusive proof that Obama bombed with the neoconservative right, check Dan Frookim at the Washington Post, "
Obama's Post-Neocon Appeal to Islam."


UPDATE: I found Charles Krauthammer's response, "A Concoction of Canards for Cairo Crowd":
Obama says he came to Cairo to tell the truth. But he uttered not a word of that. Instead, among all the bromides and lofty sentiments, he issued but one concrete declaration of new American policy: "The United States does not accept the legitimacy of continued Israeli settlements," thus reinforcing the myth that Palestinian misery and statelessness are the fault of Israel and the settlements.

UPDATE II: See also the lead editorial at tomorrow's Wall Street Journal, "Barack Hussein Bush."

Plus, check out Three Beers Later, "A few slight corrections, Mr. President...", and Tom the Redhunter, "President Obama's Speech to the Muslim World."

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