Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Neocons Unhinged?

Joe Klein attacks Senator John McCain, and the neoconservatives along with him:

For two years now, John McCain has been entirely consistent on Iran: every last statement he's made - at least, those that I've seen - has been (a) fabulously uninformed and (b) dangerously bellicose. He's still at it, apparently. There is no question that President Obama's more prudent path is the correct one right now. There is also no question that the neoconservatives are trying to gin up this situation into an excuse for not engaging with the Iranian government in the near future--and also as a rationale for their dearest, looniest dream, war with Iran.
Read the rest, here.

It's more of the same peacenik rambling from Joe Klein.

But seriously, why is President Obama's path the "more prudent"? We're only emboldening the Iranian regime, and
we'll put the region into even greater peril - from Tehran to Tel Aviv - with the deadening moral silence of this administration vis-à-vis the heroic men and women in the streets of Iran.

As always, I'm struck by how intense have been our domestic partisan divisions over the mullah's shamocratic election and the brutal crackdown against the Iranian democrats in the street. (
The left blames Iran's troubles on the U.S., and discounts any comparison between the bankrupt Democratic Party leadership of today to the vigorous Cold War leadership of the Reagan administration during the 1980s. The analogy holds, folks, because tyranny holds today in Iran as it did across the East Bloc under the Kremlin.)

Where is American leadership?

We don't have to use apocalyptic rhetoric to denounce
the administration's abject moral cowardice. A perfectly measured tone will do: "What Obama needs to say and do about Iran," and "More things Obama should be saying and doing about Iran."

As for
Joe Klein, he's simply attempting to settle scores for getting his butt kicked by neoconseratives so many times its ridiculous. Previously, Peter Wehner has repeatedly mopped up with Klein, and I eviscerated Klein at this post.

See also Peter Wehner's essay tonight, "Let Us Not Comfort Cruel Men."

Photo Credit: Boston Globe, "
Iran's Continued Election Turmoil."

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