Monday, June 8, 2009

Obama's Relativism Invites War

Publisher's Note: It is my pleasure once again to publish a guest essay from my friend, Rusty Walker.


President Barack Obama’s recent speeches feature a reluctant nod to our American heroes - and really, do we have to go back to "Algebra" to find significant Islamic contributions to society, when a cursory glance at Jewish contributions are too numerous to list?

Combined with our current recession, the United States, thanks to Obama’s obsequiousness in the Middle East, non-action in North Korea, and deference to the UN, is now as vulnerable to a world war as we were in the 1930s. We are also just as inactive in response to aggression as we were then. Once again we have a war-weary Democratic administration; but now, the world recognizes us as having a dangerously unprepared president. If this is not an invitation to WWIII then I don’t know what is.

The Obama administration, in its self-important quest, is too preoccupied with bankrupting the U.S. with infrastructure projects to recognize our immediate peril. With a potential depression and advantages of a two theater war, North Korea and Iran are sizing us up for an all out conflict. Meanwhile, Obama is busy with his speeches, mounting pure Middle Eastern theater, including teleprompter taking-points on the Holy Koran.

The president’s nominal responses to Iran and North Korea, always followed by non-action, reveals his unhealthy aversion to confrontation. The UN Ambassador Susan Rice threatens North Korea, suggesting they will “pay a price.” These sound bites do nothing but perpetuate the liberals' lame hopes for a peace, working ultimately to embolden Iran and North Korea. Since the G20 speeches, Obama and Secretary Clinton have been repeating the same empty phrases. And wasn’t Vice President Biden supposed to be the expert on foreign policy. Where is he? I believe we do nothing because it is “inconvenient” to consider the possibility of a war right now, particularly when Obama's love affair with the press is going so well.

The administration is rightly perceived to be weak by those Islamic and Asian rogue regimes to whom he extends friendship. The D-Day landing was necessitated because the U.S. had let the Third Reich rise and conquer most of Europe, while Americans, weary of war, stayed out. If this teaches us anything, our current enemies will engage in military rearmament during such times. War experts say an aggressor’s advantage is fleeting. The build up of arms and secret alliances are formed, and the aggressor strikes suddenly.

The Obama cult of personality has transformed into “The Cult of Apology.” We have no world credibility left. Our verbal threats carry no follow-up. Our apologies feel momentarily good while we languish dangerously in our rhetoric. In the midst of the Great Depression, military rearmament took place on two fronts, in Asia and in Europe - much like our present plight. What does this portend for us in today’s heated climate? Behold Palestinian Nationalist myth-making, Iran's demonization of the West, and the steady development of nuclear capabilities. North Korea's a proven nuclear proliferator with expansionist designs, both with no concern about their expendable casualties.

If we don’t act decisively very soon we will be looking at a scenario very similar to WWII – two theaters of war. It is an exercise in futility to look for Russia and China to pressure their allies. These countries have deep self-interests, and trade agreements with Iran and North Korea respectively, and both have a history of opposing U.S. interests. Yes, even though Obama is reaching out with empathy, these countries all want us to fail.

While Obama is in the Middle East, the Asian theater of war is currently developing. Instead of China attempting to help us in this new crisis, expect China to sign a secret non-aggression agreement with North Korea. As for the U.S. building up military options in the event of conflict in and around Asia and Iran - as we would if John McCain were president - Obama and the Congress are not paying attention. I also don’t see this administration having the intestinal fortitude to help Japan build a nuclear capability to level the Asian playing field. And even if they did, we don’t have the luxury of time.

The threat of war in the Middle East theater is currently developing in Iran, while Obama warms our souls with his constant reference to differing religions on the world stage. After Obama’s speeches, I was reminded of my studies of the Crusades. Has Osama Bin Laden finally convinced the president that we are in a Holy War? Perhaps Obama's reference to the HOLY Koran will make it into the Madrassas. Maybe his speeches will dissuade the Arab orphans from suicide bombings, or including dirty bombs in our future.

In view of Obama’s relentless apologies, expect Iran to finish its nuclear capability in step with North Korea. Iran will form an alliance with North Korea, and like-minded Arab countries, to join in the attempted annihilation of its neighbors. Iran will work to wipe out Israel, becoming the hero of an emboldened Middle East. The Taliban will move on Pakistan with the aid of Iran and Syria. When that happens rogue elements will join in from Hamas, Hezbollah, and Al Qaeda; if they achieve nuclear capability, they will take out India and finish off Israel. China will use the opportunity to take Tibet and Taiwan. Similar to the death wish of the aging Mao in later years, the North Koreans and fundamentalist Islamists won’t mind losing great populations for victory. If President Obama were to actually read the objectively-instructive Koran, it seeks to foretell our infidel fate.

It will be a nightmare wake-up call for Americans. We'll watch hostile Middle Eastern countries align one-by-one with other Arab countries once considered our allies. There's further self-deception in expecting Arab regimes, Egypt, Saudi Arabia and the gulf states, to be our allies in a war over Palestine. These states do not care one wit about the "charms" of Barack and Michelle, or our complaisant American way of life. These states have split loyalties. With the exception of small forces of England and Australia, the weakened European countries will afford the U.S. no assistance. Expect no help from France or Germany.

If Americans are waiting for Israel to solve the Iranian problem as they did in Syria, this is improbable. Israel has a small, powerful, but limited Air Force in today’s complex world of fortified nuclear facilities. At a distance of 1000 miles against an enemy with Iran’s air defenses, Israel would need something more than non-nuclear forces. In addition, the effort would involve prior notification to the U.S. Such a strike would mean great distances though U.S.-controlled air. Even if Israel knew the exact location of Iran’s nuclear facilities, ICBMs and cruise missiles would have a tough go at these buried targets. If Iran is allowed first-strike capability, Israel would be toast. To interrupt Iran’s surprise attack, we would need to declare intentions for a U.S. first strike on those facilities if they are not dismantled and inspections resumed. Sound familiar? That’s right, But, Obama and the Democratic Congress will not go there.

If you want to see where North Korea is now headed with a 68 year-old Kim Jong-Il, consider what Mao Tse-Tung, at 68, was planning and would have accomplished were we not protected by President Dwight D. Eisenhower. Mao stated, “We are prepared to sacrifice 300 million Chinese for the victory of the world revolution” (pp.457-8, Mao: The Unknown Story biography, Jung Chang). Were it not for the cautious Soviets, who were calling the shots for China, we were looking at WW III. Now, we may have it. Kim Jong-Il has followed Mao’s totalitarian domination. The motivation of the masses uses the same sociopathic cult of personality. Kim organized state-sponsored terrorist activities on his populace; “re-education” camps, and famine – just like Mao.

Obama has humiliated us on the world stage. The U.N. resolutions are a joke - China will form a treaty with North Korea just as the Soviets' alliance with the German aggressor in 1938. Obama’s penchant for platitudes is fostering partnerships of a nuclear North Korea, Iran, Syria. This is my prediction, unfortunately, that North Korea will attack South Korea. Iran will attack Israel (but the Israelis will have been denied sufficient air space by the Obama administration, making a pre-emptive attack on Iran prohibitive; it is no longer possible to simply launch a strike against these well-buried and hidden sites.) We can expect the thuggish Russian leadership to align with its trading partner Iran, and may take advantage of aggression to make a move on Georgia, Ukraine, et. al.

It is all reminiscent of the sleeping giant of WWII. A war on two fronts happened with Americans early unwillingness to fight. We have enemies in South America with ties to Russia. Russia will form an alliance with them, as well as Iran and North Korea.

The hapless U.N. will do nothing. So, we need to act with such strength of conviction that we reverse our image to the rest of the world. Insist on the dismantling of Iranian nuclear facilities, and reject fake "inspections," or take them out. In North Korea, we need to start by enacting the NSCR 1718 Proliferation Security Initiative that will allow our U.S. Navy to board and search North Korean vessels that may contain nuclear related materiel. Seizing contraband would be the next step. The United States is the sole chance for stopping the coming horrors.

All this, and, Obama is currently cutting military spending in areas essential for our defense and offense.

I hope I am wrong, but if Obama is in for eight years, I will be right. I don’t want to be right.


Previously from Rusty Walker, "
Barack Obama's Overblown Self-Delusions."

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