Thursday, June 18, 2009

Obamaworld: Keep the Change!

Here's Victor Davis Hanson's new guide to the administration, "Obamaworld: Logic in the Age of Obama":
Are you confused by all that has changed since Pres. Barack Obama took office in January? If so, you’re not alone. Perhaps, though, this handy guide to Age of Obama “logic” might be of some assistance.
Also, check this comment at CQ Politics, "Honeymoon Over: It’s On Obama’s Watch Now":
Keep the change ... Thus far we have seen an administration that has run amuck. We need to return to the time-tested values that made America successful, not devolve to ruin based upon flawed and previously failed principles. Our roots are firmly planted in Judeo-Christian beliefs ... they set in place our moral compass ... they call for MINIMUM federal government with liberty gained by a FREE people acting as one. We do not "redistribute" wealth (property), but do provide charity. Our Constitution promises life (under attack), liberty (under attack) and property or "pursuit of happiness" (under attack). I say, to those who want government handouts...keep the change! To those who would assail my rights under the second Amendment ... keep the change! To those who want America to become bilingual ... keep the change! To those who don't understand the word "illegal" and want me to pay for those who reside here illegally ... keep the change! To those who do not understand that life is a gift from GOD, and that it begins with conception ... keep the change! To those who threaten the future of my children and their children's children through reckless spending by a tax cheat now...keep the change! To those who do not understand the sanctity of marriage as between one man, one woman and GOD ... keep the change! To those who would seek to modify the Constitution from the bench...keep the change! To those who have forgotten that we have oil and resources here that need to be developed for our use instead of relying on our enemies for our supply ... keep the change! To those who are enamored with "cult leadership"... KEEP THE CHANGE!

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