Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Top 10 Reasons to Follow Me on Twitter!

Actually, I don't have a top 10.

Since I'm new to this medium, I googling to see what's up with all the abbreviations and such (like RT). I came across this piece, "
Top 10 Reasons I *AM* Following You On Twitter." This part makes say, hey, okay!

If you hook up your blog so that whenever you post an entry, it tweets, then that’s a big plus.

I use Twitter for a casual diversion during the workday – I’ll glance over at it when I’ve got a few free minutes, see what’s going on, and interact with friends. If I notice that you just posted a blog entry, I’ll go read it, and I might respond on Twitter if I’ve got comments or questions. It’s nice to have that realtime interaction with other bloggers.
I'm on social networking to promote my blog, because that's what I do. I reallly enjoy the "social" part, of course. But I like publishing even more. That said, I'm a mensch, so send me your stuff and I'll publish it here!

Well, what are you waiting for?!!

Get hot and follow me at AmPowerBlog!

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