Thursday, June 11, 2009

Travel Tips for the Uighurs!

You're not going to believe this, but the freaks at Ordinary Gentlemen are actually well-wishing the freed Guantanamo terrorists!

Free Advice to Released Uighurs":

If you are headed to Palau–where I spent 1 week of my life, 3 days of which was in a small to medium range typhoon, 2 other days of which I spent on the can–good luck. It’s a beautiful place. The people are also beautiful (especially the women) but tend to be a bit cold towards outsiders. But definitely get somebody to take you out on a boat ride to the Jellyfish Lake. LSD’s got nothing on that trip.
Do these idiots remotely know WTF is going on?!!

How about those Uighurs? (Hat Tip: Reliapundit):

China ... has been affected by the ascendance of the Taliban. Beijing shunned the civil war in Afghanistan until February 1999, when it first made overtures to the Taliban in an attempt to stem the tide of Afghan heroin flooding Xinjiang. The heroin was helping fund Islamist nationalist opposition to Beijing among the Uighurs and other Muslim ethnic groups. Uighur militants have trained and fought with the Afghan mujahideen since 1986, and Chinese officials say the arms and explosives the rebels have used against Chinese security forces come from Afghanistan. Taliban officials have assured China that they are not harboring fugitive Uighurs, but some Uighur militants are known to be involved with Yuldashev and with bin Laden-if not the Taliban itself.
Oh, golly, what a swell bunch of fellas!

And they sure had some nice things to say about the U.S., "
Uyghur Detainees at Gitmo Compare U.S. to Hitler."

Cool! Let me buy those guys a drink at the pool!

As Pamela notes, hey, it's the "

More at Memeorandum.

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