Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Democrats' Health Care Reform Bill Flawed

From the Fresno Bee, "Current Health Care Reform Bills are Flawed":

The health care system in this nation is badly broken, and needs a major overhaul. But we fear the reform bills before Congress only offer costly substitutes to the current system without solving key problems.

Congress should pass health care reform, but only if it controls skyrocketing federal costs of health care.

Congressional leaders and President Barack Obama need to take heed of the assessment by Congressional Budget Office Director Douglas Elmendorf, who said the proposed reforms would not "reduce the trajectory of federal health spending by a significant amount." Other critics -- some Democrats and some Republicans -- echo Elmendorf.

This is the best chance for fundamental reform of the nation's health care system, but the badly flawed bills whizzing through Congress will not meet the goals of the president to improve the system. They would be a major setback to the effort to fix the system.

Obama and Democratic leaders want a bill passed before the Aug. 7 summer recess. We understand the political reality and the White House's desire to pass this reform quickly. After all, the longer the debate lasts, the more time available for fat insurance and pharmaceutical companies and other wealthy special interests to buy expensive TV advertising to sway public opinion.
More at the link. See also, Reliapundit, "This is Obama's Recipe for America."

Plus, USA Today, "Health Care Reform: 'This Is Going to Happen'"(video interview with Nancy Pelosi). And at the New York Times, "In Health Care Fight, Defining Moment Nears for President." (Via Memeorandum.)

Related: Nice Deb, "
Obama to Dem Congressmen: “You’re Going to Destroy My Presidency”!"

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