Monday, July 13, 2009

'Jane Roe' to Senate Judiciary Committee: "You're Wrong Sotomayor ...'

From the Milwaukee Journal-Sentinel, " 'Jane Roe' Gets Kicked Out of Sotomayor Hearing":

Norma McCorvey, the “Jane Roe” in Roe v. Wade, was escorted out of a Senate confirmation hearing for Judge Sonia Sotomayor Monday when she began to scream at Sotomayor that she was "wrong " for her perceived abortion rights views.

"You're wrong Sotomayor," she said. "You're wrong."

McCorvey was the poster child for the abortion rights movement before having a change of heart in the 90s and becoming active in anti-abortion demonstrations ...

“I’m here to overturn Roe and defeat Sotomayor’s nomination to the Supreme Court,” McCorvey said earlier in the day. “She’s unworthy of the position. She’s Catholic. She’s even unworthy of taking communion because of her pro-abortion stance.”
Also, from The Ninth Justice, "GOP Witness: Abortion Protests 'Not Surprising' ":

Four anti-abortion protesters have already been escorted out of Hart 216 on Day One of the Sotomayor hearing. That doesn't surprise Charmaine Yoest, the president of Americans United for Life and one of 14 witnesses called by ranking member Jeff Sessions, R-Ala. Anti-abortion protesters have been demonstrating outside the Hart Building throughout the day as well.

The outbursts "underscore that the grassroots really are energized about this and are paying attention," Yoest said in an interview during the lunchtime break at today's hearing.
Also, check out Wendy Long, "Partial-Birth Abortion Questions for Sotomayor."

And, via
Memeorandum, see Andrew Malcolm, "Sotomayor Hearings: All Senators' Opening Statement Texts: Leahy, Sessions, et al."

Plus, Fox News, "Sotomayor Pledges 'Fidelity to the Law' During First Day of Confirmation Hearing."

Video Credit: "First Day of Sotomayor Confirmation Hearings."

Added: Washington Post, " 'Jane Roe' Arrested at Supreme Court Hearing."

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