Friday, July 17, 2009

Tea Party Protests Today! - UPDATED!! Vladimir Lenin Confirms Obama's Bolshevik Creds!

Okay, I'm out the door this minute to go protest Obamacare at Representative Loretta Sanchez's office in Garden Grove. I'll have a report with some roundups from around the nation later today.

Here's a local story from Georgia's, Newnan Times-Herald, "Tea Party Protests Today Over Health Care Proposals."

The Tea Party movement continues today with "health care freedom parties" being held outside the offices of senators and congressmen all over the nation.

In Coweta, plans include a mini-tea party outside the office of Congressman Lynn Westmoreland. It will be from noon to 1 p.m. at Westmoreland's district office, located in the White Oak Professional Center on Highway 34 East.

"Our focus is on nationalized health care, and expressing that we do not want a nationalized health care system," said Wendy Bloedt, local coordinator for the newly-renamed Southern Crescent Tea Party Patriots.

For legislators who have come out against the plans for "health care reform," such as Westmoreland, "it is also an opportunity for us to go out and thank them for listening and voting the way their constituents" want them to vote, Bloedt said.

Bloedt also plans to present Westmoreland's staff with a copy of the Constitution, and the pledge signed by people at the July 4 tea party event in Peachtree City. Attendees pledged they would read the Constitution in its entirety.

Another local story is at Pennsylvania's, Williamsport Sun Gazette, "Tea Party Gears Up for August."

Also, from Fox News Austin, "Tea Party Protests: Health Care Plan."

Check and, for more information. Here's a local link from my area, "Calling All Minutemen Tea Party'ers!! - Nation-Wide Protest."

Check later at
Instapundit. He'll no doubt have reader-updates from tea party patriots across the country.

Photo Credit: From my coverage of the local May 1st protest, "
Pasadena "May Day! May Day!" Anti-Socialism Rally"


UPDATE: Removed original picture from the post. Anonymous, in the comments, suggested that the photo featured a misattributed quote. No problem. Notice the new picture above. Vladimir Lenin was on hand. The founder of Russian Bolshevism affirmed that indeed President Obama's governing program is becoming big enough to take away everything that you have.

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