Friday, July 31, 2009

Did Obama's Secret Service Draw Guns on Conservative Protesters?

It's hard to tell from the picture, probably taken from a cellphone, but the image is said to depict one of the vehicles in President Obama's Secret Service motorcade with windows open and guns drawn. Gateway Pundit shares a letter from a demonstrator:

During the motorcade when the president was arriving, there were several vehicles following the limo that contained the secret service. All of the vehicles had all the windows rolled down, and back hatch open on the SUVs with the men holding their, I assume assault rifes, machine guns, drawn on everyone lining the streets. Needless to say it took my breath away at the sight of them, and made my friends and I dizzy with fear. I have seen the secret service before, but never like this. While they were intimidating, I never felt in danger. The guns were not drawn when the motorcade was leaving the event. But I turned on a local talk radio program as we were leaving and all the calls were about witnessing the guns being pointed at them and nothing else until the end of the program.
The reader asked if "this was normal"?

To which
Gateway Pundit responds, "It's not normal for the secret service to pull their assault guns on conservative protesters as they drive through town."

Well, it's pretty clear that the administration's not tolerating a lot of dissent.

Here's Betsy Newmark, in response to
The Politico's article on the cancellation of town hall meetings by Democratic congessional members:

Gee, the American people are fed up and they don't want to take it anymore. Instead of looking at the level of anger and readjusting their behavior, the tendency of these congressmen is to dismiss the protesters and cancel the meetings. While I don't approve of a mob blocking a speaker's right to speak, these groups represent a real anger that their representatives would do well to address. These elites may have found all the "tea bagging" jokes amusing when the Tea Party protests were held earlier this year, but the numbers and intensity involved have not dissipated. People are angry and they're taking advantage of their access to their representatives to make that emotion felt. They would do better meet with members of the protesters and answer their questions than to simply decide to shut down their meetings. That would be treating the symptom rather than the cause.

And now they know how conservative speakers at college campuses feel.

More at
Memeorandum. See also, Atlas Shrugs, "That's Why I Fear My Gov't .... Because I Don't Know if the People Are Awake Enough to Do What Needs to Be Done .... And That is to Start Shouting From Rooftops." Pamela's got video of the motocade.

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