Monday, July 20, 2009

Leftists Respond to Collapse of Obamacare

From Steve Benen, on Senator Mitch McConnell speaking on Obamacare on yesterday's Meet the Press:
... McConnell continues to think the system is, at its core, fine. A few tax cuts here, a few tax cuts there, throw in some restrictions on lawsuits, and voila, problem solved. There's no need for major change, when some tinkering will get the job done.
Also, at Fox News, "Deficits, Taxes and Time Appear to Doom Health Care Reforms."

In response to that piece,
Down With Tyranny quotes Digby:
The right are radical authoritarian Nazi types and the left are radical progressives who want to change the system in favor of the hoi polloi. These so-called centrists are actually conservatives who maintain the status quo -- which always works in favor of the moneyed interests.

The only time we even get a chance to move forward is when these people fuck things up so badly that there is simply no choice but to change something and then it's usually a battle between us and the Nazis for who gets a turn at the table.

It's no way to run a country.
Hmm ... I wonder how Digby responds to this: "Poll Shows Obama Slipping on Key Issues: Approval Rating on Health Care Falls Below 50 Percent."

Also, from William Kristol, "
Kristol: Kill It, and Start Over." (Via Memorandum).

Also Blogging:
Below The Beltway, Betsy's Page, Don Surber, Gateway Pundit, Hot Air, JammieWearingFool, Macsmind, Michelle Malkin, Pajamas Media, Pundit & Pundette, QandO, Right Pundits, Say Anything, Stop The ACLU, and Wizbang.

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