Monday, July 13, 2009

'The Writer, a Republican, is Governor of Alaska'

That's got to be the most ridiculously understated author's information line ever!

It identifies (the world famous) Sarah Palin, for her essay at Tuesday's Washington Post, "
The 'Cap and Tax' Dead End."

I'm actually kind of impressed at how fast Palin's coming out of the gate. Remember my earlier essay, "
Can Palin Win the 2012 GOP Nomination?" My recommendations included developing her policy expertise:

On policy knowledge, Palin needs to write her tell-all book from the 2008 campaign. She'll need to begin a wonkish speaking tour on her specialties of energy, the environment, and free-market economics.
Some wonkish op-eds can't hurt either. And let there be no doubt: This essay is the foundational plank of Governor Palin's 2012 nomination bid. She hits all the right notes, on energy independence and then some. Just the mention of "the resources that God created right underfoot" here in America will enrage secular collectivists from coast to coast.

There's a few pieces up at
Memeorandum right now (and Macsmind is the only conservative at the moment). But by tomorrow afternoon I'll bet the Palin piece willl be Memeorandum's lead story.

Buckle up for yet another round of PDS.

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