Tuesday, July 14, 2009

'At Least Democrats Are Up to the Multi-Kulti Frame...'

Amazingly, this is not a joke, although it's not atypical ... from the radical feminist blog, Feministing:

The Sotomayor hearings are pretty painful to watch, and should put to the side any belief that we are in a post-racial space. Session's attempts to grill Sotomayor on this question of impartiality reveals the obvious ignorance that when white men hold partial beliefs they are natural and objective, whereas when women of color do, they are unable to effectively do the job.

It seems the question of whether Sotomayor's experience adds value, verse whether it impacts her ability to be objective in her rulings is at the core of the questioning, which is almost a pre-multiculturalism line of questioning that only a Republican would concern themselves with them. At least Democrats are up to the multi-kulti frame, where the more diverse we are, the better things are. It is not perfect, but it is better than the belief that white men are objective and everyone else is holding to much baggage to do their work.

Like I said, not atypical. See, Michelle Malkin, "
Day Two: Sotomayor and Ritual Reassurances."

And breaking at CNN, "Sotomayor Calls 'Wise Latina' Remark a Bad Choice of Words."


UPDATE: Instalanche!

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