Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Justin Barrett's 'Jungle Monkey' Controversy

Some seemingly nasty new developments in the Henry Louis Gates controversy. From CNN, " 'Jungle monkey' E-Mail Jeopardizes Boston Officer's Job":

A Boston, Massachusetts, police officer who sent a mass e-mail in which he referred to Harvard professor Henry Louis Gates Jr. as "banana-eating" and a "bumbling jungle monkey" has been placed on administrative leave and faces losing his job.

Officer Justin Barrett, 36, who is also an active member of the National Guard, sent an e-mail to some fellow Guard members, as well as the Boston Globe, in which he vented his displeasure with a July 22 Globe column about Gates' controversial arrest.
The columnist, Yvonne Abraham, supported Gates' actions, asking readers, "Would you stand for this kind of treatment, in your own home, by a police officer who by now clearly has no right to be there?"

In his e-mail, which was posted on a local Boston television station's Web site, Barrett declared that if he had "been the officer he verbally assaulted like a banana-eating jungle monkey, I would have sprayed him in the face with OC [oleoresin capsicum, or pepper spray] deserving of his belligerent noncompliance."

Barrett used the "jungle monkey" phrase four times, three times referring to Gates and once referring to Abraham's writing as "jungle monkey gibberish."

He also declared he was "not a racist but I am prejudice [sic] towards people who are stupid and pretend to stand up and preach for something they say is freedom but it is merely attention because you do not get enough of it in your little fear-dwelling circle of on-the-bandwagon followers."
More at the link.

More at Boston's WFXT-TV FOX25, "
Cop Suspended for Slur in Gates E-Mail."

Hat Tip: Memeorandum.

Related: Radley Balko, "
Response to Patterico and Jack Dunphy."

Image Credit: WFXT-TV FOX25, "
Justin Barrett's E-Mail in Question: Justin Barrett Has Been Suspended by the BPD."

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