Monday, June 1, 2009

Muslim Terrorist Kills U.S. Military Recruiter: Where's the Outrage?

Well, where's the outrage on the left today? In what looks like an ideologically-driven attack on U.S. military personnel, Abdul Hakim Mujahid Muhammad, a convert to Islam who was "upset with the military," is alleged to have killed one and injured another at a U.S. Army Navy Career Center in Little Rock.

USA Today and KATV-TV for the story. Interestingly, the KATV story notes, "the gunman targeted the military but was not believed to be part of a broader scheme."

Well, don't bet Abdul Hakim wasn't part of a "broader scheme." The fact is that the antiwar left has been
targeting military recruiting stations for years. Unlike the unhinged leftists in response to the George Tiller murder, conservative bloggers were very measured in their response to the Little Rock shootings. As Say Anything noted this morning:

... we could jump to the conclusion that this man was motivated by a hatred for the military (or something along those lines) and then blame groups like Code Pink and Media Matters and for fanning anti-military, anti-Iraq war passions for years. We could, much as the left has with people like Bill O’Reilly in the George Tiller murder claim that those groups have blood on their hands.

But we won’t. Because that’s stupid. This murder, whatever the motivation (it’s not clear at this point), was committed by a murderous thug who acted of his own volition. Not because he was compelled to by liberal dissent.

Murder is murder. Let’s mourn the dead, condemn the guilty and move on.
But check Snooper Report as well:
Where's the outrage from the Leftinistra? Where are the condemnations that we on the Right expressed for the murder of Tiller the Baby Killer?

For years this kind of activity from the Leftinistra has been going on and absolutely no condemnation from them has ever been expressed that I know of. Why is that?

So far, I have only read mentions of this incident from the Right.
Well, conservatives were waiting for more information. This Ain't Hell even began with a disclaimer:

Notice how, unlike some bloggers on the Left jumped to conclusions over yesterday’s shooting, I’m not speculating on the motivations of this shooter or his relationship to any other group of recruiter-haters until the facts are in - I caution commenters here to do the same.
Michelle Malkin adds this:
I wonder if the Justice Department will send marshals to beef up protection at recruiting centers — especially given the past targeting of military centers on campuses and elsewhere across the country.
See also, "OUTRAGE!!! Left-Wing Terrorists Target Military Recruiters!!!."

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