Monday, June 1, 2009

Tiller's Killing Reignites Abortion Debate?

At the paper's website, the Washington Post's headline reads, "Killing Reignites Abortion Debate."

Clicking the link we find, "
Slaying Raises Fears on Both Sides of Abortion Debate."

Either way, the leftist media and the radical netroots are pushing hard to get massive mileage from the George Tiller tragedy. Contrary to the Washington Post, the abortion debate was hot all of last year, when President Obama said he didn't want his daughters "punished" with a baby; when his deathwish record on Born Alive Infanct Protection legislation was circulated widely; and when Pastor Rick Warren asked him "when does life begin?" (and he responded that it's "above my pay grade").

In truth, leftists have turned Tiller's death into a one-way superhighway to baby-killing. Debate? What debate? The memes are all about the "evil" O'Reilly, "forced-childbirth" extremists, and the "vindication" of the DHS report. Indeed, it's apparent now that leftists are using Tiller's killing to argue for RELAXING EXISTING LAWS TO ACHIEVE MORE LATE-TERM ABORTIONS!

Words fail me
here. I'll let these images speak instead:

More at Memorandum, and here.

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