Sunday, June 21, 2009

Neda is Martyr to Iranian Revolt!

From Robin Wright, "In Iran, One Woman's Death May Have Many Consequences":

Iran's revolution has now run through a full cycle. A gruesomely captivating video of a young woman — laid out on a Tehran street after apparently being shot, blood pouring from her mouth and then across her face — swept Twitter, Facebook and other websites this weekend. The woman rapidly became a symbol of Iran's escalating crisis, from a political confrontation to far more ominous physical clashes. Some sites refer to her as "Neda," Farsi for the voice or the call. Tributes that incorporate startlingly upclose footage of her dying have started to spring up on YouTube.

Although it is not yet clear who shot "Neda" (a soldier? pro-government militant? an accidental misfiring?), her death may have changed everything. For the cycles of mourning in Shiite Islam actually provide a schedule for political combat — a way to generate or revive momentum. Shiite Muslims mourn their dead on the third, seventh and 40th days after a death, and these commemorations are a pivotal part of Iran's rich history. During the revolution, the pattern of confrontations between the shah's security forces and the revolutionaries often played out in 40-day cycles.
(See pictures of terror in the streets of Tehran.) ...

"Neda" is already being hailed as a martyr, a second important concept in Shiism. With the reported deaths of 19 people Saturday, martyrdom also provides a potent force that could further deepen public anger at Iran's regime.

More at the link. And Memeorandum.

Also, Robin Wright at the Los Angeles Times, "
The evolution of Iran's revolution: The current confrontation is another phase of the country's century-long political journey. And this one, like the others, will bring lasting changes."

Image Credit: The Lede, "Sunday: Updates on Iran’s Turmoil."


UPDATE: Instalanche!

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