Sunday, June 21, 2009

They Killed Neda - YouTube Monetizes Video!

I didn't know Neda's name yesterday when I posted these thoughts to my Facebook profile:

I think that video today of the young woman shot and killed in Iran, showing her eyes roll up in death, was one of the saddest things I've ever seen. It's not a movie. We are blessed with freedom, and freedom isn't free...
Michelle Malkin has a commemoration, "They Killed Neda, But Not Her Voice":

Her name was Neda, which means “voice” in Farsi. According to numerous online accounts picked up by media outlets worldwide, she was shot in the streets by Iranian state police while protesting today. This is what repression looks (warning: graphic)...
Here's the video, the Live Leak version, since YouTube monetized the video at the link:

See also, the Los Angeles Times, "IRAN: Footage of woman apparently shot in Tehran galvanizes opposition."

Plus, Dr. Melissa Clouthier," Iran: Blood Is Spilled."

Hat Tip:

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