Saturday, July 11, 2009

2001: A Bloggers Odyssey

Or, how to blog, from The Blog Prof, "2001: A Bloggers Odyssey - Or How to Start a Successful Blog":
Since starting this blog back in January (something I should have done much, much earlier), this will be my 2001st post, thus the quasi-clever initial title for which I expect a golf clap. Or not. In any case, starting a blog and writing posts has surely helped focus my thinking on many topics. Before blogging myself, I was an avid blog reader, spending hours each day keeping up on current events. But it is the difference between being a student and being the teacher. When I made the shift to teaching, I had little idea of how much more of a challenge it was, and how much I would learn every time I taught a class, even those that I have already taught many times. That is one aspect that I simply love about my job - learning as I am teaching. I get some of that same benefit from blogging, and would encourage anyone out there to do the same. To this end, this post will serve to be a reference to those that want to start a blog. I will myself lean heavily on the following contributors as they have written many tips:

Stacy McCain at The Other McCain: "How to Get a Million Hits on Your Blog in Less Than a Year."

Donald Douglas at American Power: "How to Become a Successful Conservative Blogger."

Nick De Leeuw at RightMichigan: "Building a Better Blogosphere -or- Where to Start!"

More at the link (lots more!).

Congratulations Blog Prof!

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