Thursday, July 2, 2009

Blacks as Monkeys? Even When Leftists Hit Bottom, They Keep Digging

Who knows if James B. Webb is gay? (NTTAWWT!) As I've said all along (see, "James B. Webb: Depths of Psychological Denial"), only God knows for sure. I do know that Mr. Webb links to the atheist OUT campaign, and that page is a portal to gay sex weblogs. Frankly, it's a tacit endorsement of the lifestyle, IMHO. No matter, as I've shown, Mr. Webb is a hypocrite and a homophobe who doesn't get snark (even when it's labeled as such). So now, it turns out, a man who refuses reason to embrace hatred and nihilism, appears to be racist as well. This long exchange has has reduced James B. Webb to a purveyor of the most despicable racial slurs.

Earlier, after I had demonstrated James' blatant hypocrisy, he posted this on his unwillingness to let go:
It's getting kind of sad, yet I don't want to let up on him because he keeps lying and mischaracterizing everything I've said ... As I've said, I have a problem letting an insult or argument go unanswered.

And to make good on that pledge, in his post today, "American Power and Unhealthy Obsession," Mr. Webb smears me as a monkey "throwing poop." Mr. Webb is referring to his previous Planet of the Apes smackdown Photoshop. I called him out on it earlier. This is an implied threat here, and I'd frankly prefer to hear it to my face. But, instead of retracting his post, Mr. Webb digs even deeper into the hellhole of moral depravity. Now I'm a "poop throwing monkey":

Seriously though you can relax Don, that's just a picture of my pet liberal-attack-hate-monkey Thade. He says that he'll be happy to meet you for a throwdown anytime anywhere but he has two conditions: 1) Your tussle will have to stay within the bounds of "monkey rules" (I truly have no idea what that means; just pray that there's no flinging of poop involved...) and 2) You must rub bananas all over yourself prior to the fight; apparently it gets him into the mood.
When a remark even remotely this crude is made with reference to President Obama, the entire left-wing of the political spectrum erupts in outrage. But for the atheistic socialists of the hard left-wing base, this kind of blatant racism is totally cool. For reference, remember the Huffington Post's, "New York Post Chimp Cartoon Compares Stimulus Author To Dead Primate." Or, here's the reaction from an obscure radical blog, "Racist New York Post Continues a Murdoch Theme."

But the friends of James B. Webb will be cheering and slapping high fives at the latest smackdown against Dr. Douglas, the "evil" neoconservative.

Enough is enough!

This pissing contest has gone on long enough. I am again calling on James B. Webb to issue a full apology to me. I will publish it here in a new post. This debate began almost two weeks ago, when Mr. Webb attacked the "
everyday stupidity of right-wing religious neoconservatives." Now it's time for him to have the last word. I confess honestly myself right here: Sure, I like to debate and tussle online, and I admit that I'm pretty zealous in defending against attacks as a "stupid" neocon extremist. And things have gotten pretty ugly too.

So, now James can show he's a gentleman. James B. Webb can end it here with a full apology for his "blacks as monkeys" slur (see, "
Blacks as Monkeys? It's Time For An Adult Conversation"). I will accept his apology and we all can move on.

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