Thursday, July 9, 2009

Breaking Update: July 9th Protesters Gassed and Beaten; Khamenei Seizes Revo Guard, Sarkozy at G8 Rejects Israeli Strike on Iran!

Pamela Geller has a full report, "Iran Revolution Day 26: Thousands Return To The Streets In Iran, Shootings Reported."

And from Mere Rhetoric, "
Khamenei Seizes Control Of Iranian Republican Guard Militias, Installs Son As Head Thug." (Related Reference: "Mojtaba Khamenei, Revolutionary Guard, Key to Power in Iran.")

Plus, from ABC's
Lara Setrakian in Iran:
tear gas & beatings, people chant "don't be afraid, we're in this together" & "ya Hussein, Mir Hussein." Cars honk in support. #iranelection
Here's video from Tehran, "Intersection of Taleghani and Valiasr. Anti riot forces attacking with teargas (6:23PM July 9th)":

Protesters are overcome by tear gas:

Second from bottom, via Rotten Gods, "we are children of war (They mean Iran-Iraq war), if you fight we'll fight back!" At bottom, people running, shouting, "death to dictator!"

Also, CNN, "Protesters in Iran Met With Tear Gas, Batons," and "In Iran, New Demonstrations Bring New Violence."

Gateway Pundit, "
CRACKDOWN IN IRAN- Police Clash With Protesters On 18th of Tir Anniversary (Video)."

Plus, Reuters, "Sarkozy Urges Israel Not to Attack Iran," and Jerusalem Post, "Sarkozy: Unilateral Israeli Attack on Iran Would Be 'Catastrophe'."

See my earlier entry, "Iran Warns of 'Crushing Response' to July 9 Protests." And Michael Ledeen has more, "Today Is a Crucial Day For Iran."

Stay tuned ... rolling updates through the evening ...

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