Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Iran Regime Hangs Protesters; Oppo Newspaper Shut Down, Mousavi Defiant!

Atlas Shrugs, "Day 19 Iran Revolution: Supporters of Opposition Hanged." Plus, from JPost, "6 Mousavi Supporters Reportedly Hanged."

Also, from the Los Angeles Times, "
Iranian Opposition Newspaper Shut Temporarily," and "Analysis: Hopes Fading for Negotiated Solution to Iranian Nuclear Impasse in Wake of Crackdown." From London's Independent, "Mousavi Declares Iran Government Illegitimate, " and Washington Post, "Ahmadinejad's Rivals Defiant on Iran vote."

Just found this on Twitter:

RT @inblueink: Protests continued across Iran today, Tehran and Tabriz and others #iranelection ...

And from ABC's Lara Setrakian on Twitter:

Khatami: #iranelection was a 'velvet coup' against democracy, undermines country's leadership @ap

Also Blogging:

* Astute Bloggers, "Mullahs Hang 6 Mousavi Supporters."

* Berman Post, "
Iranian Revolution."

* Enduring America, "
The Latest from Iran (1 July): The Opposition Regroups."

* Gateway Pundit, "
Iranian Regime Hangs 6 Mousavi Supporters In Mashhad."

* Hot Air, "
Mullahs Stringing Up Opposition?"

* Jihad Watch, "Iran is Still supporting, Funding and Training Surrogates Who Operate Inside of Iraq."

* Michael Ledeen, "Iraq and Iran."

* Nice Deb, "
Iran Hanging Mousavi Supporters, Now?"

* The Lede, "
July 1: Latest Updates on Iran’s Post-Election Turmoil."

* Jonathan Tobin, "Has the Iranian Regime Been Strengthened?"

See also, Der Spiegel, interview with Iranian theologian and philosopher Mohsen Kadivar, "'This Iranian Form of Theocracy Has Failed'." And CNN, "Opposition Movement in Iran Not Over, Experts Say."

Check Memeorandum and Atlas Shrugs for updates.

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