Friday, July 10, 2009

Left's Derangement Continues as Palin Attacked as 'Jewish-American Princess'

Alaska Governor Sarah Palin is still dominating the news today. Matthew Continetti's getting some pushback for singing Palin's praises at the Weekly Standard.

But actuallly, the more the anti-Palin media circus rolls along, the more it looks like Governor Palin made the right decision to step down. Case in point is this post from TBogg at Firedoglake. He sure hasn't lost his genuine demon style, "Sarah Palin Is Now a Jewish-American Princess and We’re All Gonna Die."

It turns out he's picking up on "The Esther Syndrome" slur that's been making its way around the left's netroots, and the mainstream press. Apparently a Palin cross-bearer is the harbinger of end times. I guess there's a market for this stuff. Or you tell me, after reading TBogg:

So you should probably start doing all of those things that you've been putting off doing like going to Paris, finishing the libretto for Reservoir Dogs: The Musical, putting the laundry away, solving the Riemann hypothesis, and having sex with Jennifer Aniston because there isn't much time left.

I'd move that Aniston one up to maybe number two. The laundry can wait.

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