Monday, July 6, 2009

Leftist Haters Sink to Depths as Tea Party Movement Shines

Michelle Malkin received this "hate-tweet" from Jessi Ballard:

But the big news is that the tea parties keep getting bigger and bigger. Some of Saturday's rallies were the largest this year by far.

Recall my first-hand reporting on
the April 15th tea parties. The enthusiasm then was phenomenal, but we didn't see a 15,000 turnout for any one event, much less 37,000.

The July 4th events were quite a success. The leftist media and the radical netroots wish otherwise, of course. Check out the spin at the Dallas Morning News:
Tea Party Protest at Southfork Ranch Falls Short of Estimated 50,000 Attendees."

Right. Harebrained leftists can only pray for a conservative implosion.

See also Michelle's post, "Video: Sen. Cornyn Gets an Earful," via Memeorandum.

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