Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Mom Leaves Kids in Maggot-Filled Home to Get High; L.A. Cracks Down on Pot Dispensaries, No Word From Will Wilkinson!

A mother in Cypress, California, allegedly left her two young daughters alone overnight in a maggot-infested house. Toilets were overflowing and trash piled everywhere. The Los Angeles Times has a report, "Mom Allegedly Leaves Kids in Maggot-Filled Home." Here's the video from KTLA-TV, Los Angeles, "Police: Mom Leaves Kids Alone in Maggot-Filled Home, Smokes Pot":

In other local news, the City of Los Angeles is cracking down on the area's unregulated medical marijuana dispensaries, "L.A. Targets Cannabis Clubs":

Daniel Halbert moved here from Phoenix this year to invest his life savings in what he hoped was a golden opportunity: the medical-marijuana business.

But on Tuesday, the Los Angeles City Council told him to shut down his dispensary, part of a broad crackdown against a growing and unregulated marijuana industry. More than 600 dispensaries have taken advantage of a loophole in city regulations to open shop here in the past two years.

The unchecked growth has alarmed some city leaders.

"They were like a rash," said City Councilman Ed Reyes, who is leading the effort to shut down many of the dispensaries. He said a colleague told him that at one dispensary near a high school, the student crowds outside made the pot store look "like an ice cream shop from the 1950s."
Once again, I'm going to express my disagreement with the libertarian/legalization crowd. Remember, "I Don't Smoke Pot, and I Don't Like It."

No report on this yet from
Will "I'm a Stoner" Wilkinson, who has argued that "the drug war is stupid." Probably out rolling a fat one at this moment!

Related: R.S. McCain, "Attention, police: Arrest Will Wilkinson!"

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