Friday, July 10, 2009

Obama's Stimulus Failure

Carol at No Sheeples Here! offers an analysis of the Obama administration's economic stimulus, "America Ensnared by the “Stimulus Trap”."

Carol hammers Paul Krugman's recent piece, "The Stimulus Trap," and adds this:
So far, on this president’s watch, we have witnessed the doubling of the national debt, the nationalization of the U.S. auto industry and a bailout in the billions to insurance giant AIG without any pre-conditions, a hell-bent fixation to nationalize the health care industry and the proposal of a cap and trade bill that would be the largest tax in the history of our nation. Dare I say the world?
More at the link.

Also, check out Rich Lowry, "
The Stimulus — The Anatomy of a Failure."

And from the Wall Street Journal, "
Few Economists Favor More Stimulus":
Most economists believe the U.S. doesn't need another round of stimulus now despite expectations of continued severe job losses.

Just eight of 51 economists in The Wall Street Journal's latest forecasting survey said more stimulus is necessary, suggesting an average of about $600 billion in additional spending. On average, the economists forecast an unemployment rate of at least 10% through next June, with a decline to 9.5% by December 2010.
See also, Michelle Malkin, "Spawn of the Spendulus."

More commentary at Memeorandum.

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