Saturday, July 4, 2009

Over 15,000 at Tulare July 4th Tea Party; Patriots Nationwide Protest Obamanation; Thunderous Crowd Greets G.W. Bush in Oklahoma!

Big tea parties across the country today, and check this out: "Over 15,000 attend Freedom Rally Tea Party in Tulare."

Here's the report from KFSN-TV/DT Fresno, "Tea Time in Tulare: Thousands Angered About Taxes."

Gateway Pundit reports on the St. Louis tea party,"
1,500 Turn Out At St. Louis-Washington Missouri Independence Day Tea Party Rally." Also, "Thunderous Applause Greets Bush in Oklahoma - 6 Standing Ovations."

Glenn Reynolds
is getting busy with tea party pictures and links from around the country.

The first shot is from The Blog Prof, "
Reporting from the Lansing, MI Tea Party. UPDATED!":

He's got more photos at the link!


This batch of pictures is courtesy of Skye at Midnight Blue, "
Tea Party 3 - Independence Hall - July 4th":

Check Skye's blog from more tea party updates.


This last one is from
San Juan Capistrano Independence Day Tea Party, via Megan Barth on Facebook:


See also, FreedomWorks, "
Pictures from the July 4th DC Tea Party." Plus, Michelle Malkin, "Independence Day: America Turns 233," and Panhandle Poet, "On This 4th of July."

Dan Riehl comments:

It occurs to me that if we want the kind of future for America that many of us generally support, in a sense, we need to remember our history and celebrate it more than ever just now. In large part, it is that very history that is at the heart of today's Tea Party movement. Not that we want to take any government down, but we do want to preserve as much individual freedom as possible under our current system. It is a quest that has been at the heart of many American endeavors and fundamental to the very best of our ideals. It's time to make that which is old, freedom, new again, or risk too much of its loss forever.
Also, check Memeorandum, and CBS, "Tea Party Protests Rally Against Taxes."


UPDATE: From KDAF-TV Dallas, "Thousands Attend America's Tea Party Protest at Southfork Ranch"

Celebrating Independence Day for one group means voicing their frustration with the government. Tea party rallies were held in cities across the country and one of the largest took place at Southfork Ranch near Plano.

Even the youngest generation got involved this Independence Day. They took part in America's Tea Party, a growing and conservative grass roots movement trying to put a stop to what it calls a "tax and spend" government.

"This whole thing transcends party lines. It's important for everyone to stick up for their freedom," said 18-year-old Beau Brehm of McKinney.

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