Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Still More on Palin's Resignation...

From Victor Davis Hanson, "Sarah Palin and Her Critics":

Smart women do not get pregnant when it is inconvenient, especially when it interferes with one’s cursus honorum. Palin foolishly had a baby as governor, and waddled around with it the entire time-with other snotty kids in tow (just like those trashy folk at the mall who pile out of the Tahoe, in the way just as you are parking your Volvo)! And worse, in the age of sonograms and abortion, she delivered a mentally-challenged child. And worse still, the mom of five encouraged her daughter to deliver an out-of-wedlock child. (Is it in Oklahoma or Arkansas where moms and daughters have children about the same time?) And which is worse, to have a kid at 17 or one after 40? And worse, worse yet, she does not support abortion! Here is Hell in Sarah Palin’s world: I am up for a promotion at CNN, foolishly become pregnant at 42, and discover “it” has chromosomal “issues”. Am I supposed to deliver this thing? I don’t think so (nor would my daughter, should she become pregnant by her boyfriend the summer before starting off at Vassar [all that SAT camp for nothing?]).
Lots more at the link.

Helpful Vocabulary Hint: "cursus honorum."

Check also a real good piece at PoliGazette, "
Feminist Hatred of Palin."

And via
Memeorandum, see also, Kate Snow, "Sarah Palin: Why She Resigned," and "TIME's Interview with Exiting Alaska Governor Sarah Palin."

Plus, from the New York Times, "
On Politics Reading (Too Much?) Into Palin's Resignation." And don't miss, John Fund, "Why Palin Quit: Death by a Thousand FOIAs."

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