Monday, November 23, 2009

Carly Fiorina: The Next Dede Scozzafava?

I've noticed how much air time Carly Fiorina's been getting -- and I mean I've really noticed, since it was a student in of my classes who informed me that she's a recent cancer survivor. I didn't know that Fiorina was treated earlier this year for breast cancer; and now she's using that experience to provide insight into the ObamaCare reforms, and especially on the recent mamography controversy (and perhaps some gender sympathy).

And I guess that's no surprise. Michelle Malkin's got the former HP CEO's number, "Carly Fiorina Channels Dede Scozzafava, Wields Race/gender Card Against Conservative Rival":

Grass-roots conservatives, your attention, please: The NRCC and GOP dumped $1 million of your hard-earned money into radical Leftist Republican Dede Scozzafava’s NY-23’s campaign — money that was squandered trashing mainstream conservative candidate Doug Hoffman, who lost the race by less than 3,400 votes.

Now, the GOP elite Senate candidate in California, Carly Fiorina, is running against Democrat Barbara Boxer by…trashing mainstream conservative GOP rival Chuck DeVore.

Fiorina’s strongest argument against DeVore? He’s a white man and she’s not.


Asked why she is a better candidate than her Republican primary opponent Assemblyman Chuck DeVore (R-Calif.), Fiorina said that a woman stands a better chance of defeating Boxer.

“I have nothing against white men, I am married to one,” Fiorina said at a breakfast at Americans for Tax Reform. “But Barbara Boxer has defeated [them] over and over again.”

Political observers with long memories should remind Fiorina how Boxer engineered GOP defeat. Bruce Herschensohn, the Republican candidate in 1992, was a staunch and unapologetic conservative talk show host who came within 5 points of beating the San Francisco liberal. Desperate to ensure Boxer’s victory, dirty Dem operatives launched a last-minute smear campaign by shouting about strip clubs.

Herschensohn’s skin color and chromosomes had nothing to do with Boxer’s win.

In keeping with Fiorina’s identity politics-driven campaign, she also said today that even though she didn’t follow the nomination closely, she would have voted to confirm Obama SCOTUS pick Sonia Sotomayor.

An Obama echo, not a choice.

More at the link.

Video Hat Tip:
Flap's Blog.

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