Sunday, November 22, 2009

Health Care Debate Heats Up in Senate; Health Care Protests Heat Up Nationwide

There's lots of debate on the procedural moves in the Senate to start the floor debate and amending process for the Democrats' ObamaCare monstrosity. Here's how the Los Angeles Times explains things:

Without a vote to spare, Democrats pushed their healthcare legislation over its first obstacle on the Senate floor Saturday, as the chamber voted to begin formal debate on a sweeping measure to guarantee medical coverage for nearly all Americans.

The 60-39 vote, backed by all 58 Democrats and two independents, overcame a Republican-led filibuster designed to block consideration of the bill and kept up momentum behind President Obama's top legislative priority.

Although it was only procedural, the dramatic balloting -- before a rare packed gallery on a Saturday night -- also set the stage for a much-anticipated healthcare debate that is expected to begin after Thanksgiving and consume the Senate for the remainder of the year.
The rest is here.

Also, from Dana Loesch, "
Million Med March; Show Me Institute," which has much more photos from the "Million Med March" in Clayton, Missouri. Gateway Pundit has more, "Hundreds Protest Obamacare at St. Louis Million Med March."

Bob McCarty Writes has the video:

Also, in Los Angeles, Hugh Hewitt headlined the Docs4PatientCare healthcare protest at the Wilshire Federal Building. I'll update when photos from the Westwood event become available.

RELATED: Kevin Hall, "Palin Was Right About Death Panels; Doctors Nationwide Fighting Back Against ObamaCare."

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