Monday, November 30, 2009

Hear Nothing See Nothing Say Nothing

Lied to threatened cheated and deceived
Hear nothing see nothing say nothing
Led up garden paths and into blind alleys
Hear nothing see nothing say nothing


Listen here.

Same situation here:

I'm no "birther," but on this, Andrew McCarthy speaks for me, "Suborned in the U.S.A.: The Birth-Certificate Controversy is About Obama’s Honesty, Not Where He Was Born."

There's nothing racist about this advertisement, but to the radical left, that's raaacist!!!

Scared Monkeys isn't buying it, "Three Monkeys Racist ... More Foolishness from the Liberal LEFT ... Obama Ad with Racial Undertones, GET REAL!"

Actually, it's the Radical LEFT, but who's to quibble.

The fact is, with Barack Obama we've been lied to, threatened, cheated, and decieved, but the left wants you to Hear Nothing See Nothing Say Nothing. And that's change you can believe in!

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