Monday, November 23, 2009

Does it Get Any Whiter Than This? MSNBC's Racial Hypocrisy

Michelle Malkin's got the best post up this morning, "The Indelible Whiteness of MSNBC" (via Memeorandum):
MSNBC host Chris Matthews, MSNBC reporter Norah O’Donnell, and MSNBC guest Joan Walsh shamelessly played the race card against Sarah Palin and her book-buying audience last week.

In Michigan, O’Donnell smugly noted that Palin’s fans were “largely white — almost no minorities in this crowd.” Matthews parroted the line, assailing the “white crowd.” Walsh likened the gathering to a “paranoid tea party.” Matthews hammered away at the “monochromatic” scene.

Ahem. Check out the masthead of MSNBC TV, “The Place for Politics.” Wear sunglasses and SPF 30 lotion. You’ll need protection from the blinding white glare:

Check the whole post. I love it!

Glenn Reynolds quips, "MINORITY WOMAN criticizes MSNBC’s “indelible whiteness.” Hey, it’s the Stuff White People Like network ....

That's me and Michelle last week. You can take your sunglasses off now.

Michelle Malkin Visits Orange County Conservatives!"


UPDATE: A little hatred in the comments, from "Anonyomous" (of course), "howthe FUCK is that different from fox news are you fucking insane or just blind get a fucking clue."

ANSWER: A lot different, asshole. Fox News has not "shamelessly played the race card against Sarah Palin..."

Of course, Michelle Malkin's a Fox News contributor, so she alone adds more diversity, ideological especially. But f**kers like you don't give a s*** about that, you know?

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