Sunday, November 29, 2009

NY Daily News Bungles Obama-Salahi Contact Timeline: Bloggers Scoop Big Media on Gatecrasher Scandal; Press AWOL on Tareq's Dubai Diplomacy!

We've all done it, jumped on a story without all the facts.

this screw up at the New York Daily News is major, since the timeline of President Obama's meet up with the Salahi gatecrashers is crucial to the further discovery of administration deception, to Obama's possible knowledge of Tareq Salahi's Middle East ties, and to the ongoing investigation of the failed Secret Service security procedures. Publishing the photo of then-Senator Barack Obama at the 2005 Rock the Vote Awards, here's the New York Daily News' report, "Wanna-Be TV Duo Tareq and Michaele Salahi Hunting for Payday for Party Crashing Story." And check the introduction there:

The brazen White House party crashers met the President months before they waltzed into the A-list state dinner and now they're seeking hundreds of thousands of dollars for their story.

A photograph from an America's Polo Cup party in May shows Tareq and Michaele Salahi hobnobbing with President Obama, Randy Jackson and the Black Eyed Peas.

The photo was taken during Tareq Salahi's America's Polo Cup fashion show - known as Rockin' the Runway, the Huffington Post reported.
But as I reported yesterday here, I picked up the Polo Contacts entry at Atlas Shrugs, and the Canada Free Press nailed the timeline of Obama's meetup with the Salahis, "'Party Crashers' Had Five-Year Relationship With Obama Before State Dinner." Regarding the Obama-Salahi photo-op with Black-Eyed Peas, the report indicates that the picture "was published in June 2005, Barack Obama was still Senator Obama and not the President Elect."

Plus, by checking the page for Polo Contacts Worldwide, "
Americas Polo Cup Pre-Event - Invite Only - with President Elect Obama and Black Eyed Peas, " we find that the entry is dated "November 26, 2008 at 2:15pm." (Added: The date stamp at America Polo Cup's photo jpg is marked "June 8, 2005.)

Now, notice that this is a "pre-event" invitation, so the timing's not right. And here's another 2008 announcement from Polo Contacts Worldwide, seeking polo players for the event, scheduled for the following May, "
Call for Polo Players for Televised Polo Fashion Show May 8 - 2009."

May 8, 2009 - The Americas Cup hosts the Worlds premier Televised POLO Fashion Show - featuring the best of the United States & Australia.

The America's Polo Cup host thus annual Rockin the Runway Polo Fashion Show on the second Saturday in May, in the Washington DC region. In 2009, the Rockin the RunWay Fashion Show will feature a evening not to be missed.
Looking around online and we don't see anything on Barack Obama's appearance at the fashion show. We do find this society page entry, however, "America’s Cup of Polo (May 10th, 2009)," with this picture of the Salahis:

A YouTube of the event is here. But no mention either of President Obama at Washington Life Magazine "America’s Polo Cup."

The New York Daily News piece is sourced to Lisa Derrick at Huffington Post, "
Party Crashing Salahis Met Obama in May 2009":

A photo from May's Rockin' the Runway™ televised fashion event shows party crashers Tareq and Michaele Salahi posing with the Black Eyed Peas, Randy Jackson, and PRESIDENT OBAMA.
Derrick, a Firedoglake blogger, first posted the entry at "Hammering" Jane Hamsher's hate dump, "Guess Who Came to Dinner? Crashers Met Obama Earlier This Year."

But folks should check the Washington Post's May 2005 piece, "
At Rock the Vote Awards, 15 Bipartisan Candles." Then-Senator Barack Obama joined Arizona Senator John McCain for some "hard-core partying ($25 a ticket) at Dream nightclub, hosted by the Black Eyed Peas with a performance by pop star Nikka Costa."

So, basically, with the major media outlets flailing over each other to
pump up the celebrity angle, Tareq Salahi's shadowy background's getting little play in the press. The sleeze-blog Gawker even cheerleads the security breach as some kind of triumph of the common man, "Seven Reasons Why White House Party Crashers are Awesome for America." Plus, The Moderate Voice does a little updated roundup, but misses the damaging issue of Salahi's Palestinian-Islamist ties.

So, we have to go back over to Canada Free Press, with its report yesteday, "
Pro-Palestine Party Crashers." At the entry we find Tareq Salahi's bio-blurb page at the Polo website site, which indicates that our White House intruder made excursions to the Middle East, including Dubai -- which is significant, as the news this week reveals not just the Debai World debt default, but also the country's maze of deep-seated ties to sharia finance networks, where "Islamists were working behind the scenes," not to mention the fact that some of the Dubai-UAE royals have links to Osama Bin Laden.

Salahi's biography at America's Polo Cup, with a screencap just in case the celebrity wannebe decides to take it down:


And note how in the second screencap Salahi's travels are described as "diplomatic visits" rather than commercial tours or polo industry junkets (larger image here)..

Does Tareq Salahi identify as an ambassador to the Middle East's terror-financing networks?

The mainstream press ain't asking.

CNN's Ed Rollins is calling for Salahi prosecutions, however, "
Prosecute the White House Gate-Crashers." Might be a good idea, not just to guarantee the integrity of the justice system and to restore the status of the Secret Service; we might also get some new information on President Obama's ties to radical Palestinian activist networkds and the Persian Gulf's "Golden Chain" financers of jihad.

See also my previous reports, "
Obama Met Gatecrashers in 2005: Salahi's ATFP Tied to Academic Radical Rashid Khalidi; Security Breach Rekindles Issue of President's Islamist Ties!," and "Tareq Salahi, Gate-Crasher at White House State Dinner, Tied to ATFP, America-Bashing Palestinian Group Calling for Power-Sharing With Hamas!"


UPDATE: World Net Daily has picked up some of my earlier reporting on this story. See, "White House 'Gatecrashers' Tied to Terror Sympathizer: Salahi Served in Same Anti-Israel Group as Obama's Palestinian Professor Pal."

Plus, Blazing Cat Fur links to this post, here. Also, The Rhetorican links as well, here.

More: Dan Collins links, "The Unintended Consequences of Party Crashing." And Theo Spark, "News."

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