Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Leftists Call Conservatives 'Cowards'

Sister Toldjah call it the "Democratic Theme of the Week."

This "cowardly" meme is coming from the Democratic Party mainstream, naturally, but Markos Moulitsas' essay is particularly loathesome, "
Conservative Cowards."

But no worries. Sister Toldjah's got a devasting smackdown:

8 years after 9/11, these morons still apparently don’t get it. This has nothing to do with ‘cowering’ in the face of KSM. How dare the Attorney General of the US insinuate that the opposition to holding KSM’s trial in a civilian court has anything to do with being “cowardly”? The issue at hand is what sensitive information will be revealed in a US court of law, since KSM is being tried as a murderer in a civilian court, rather than as a suspected terrorist in a military court.

Supposedly – in spite of the fact that many other Gitmo terrorists will indeed be tried by a military court – the Obama administration wants this high-profile trial to be a “beacon” to other parts of the world, to show, in particular Muslim countries, how our justice system can be fair. But the underlying rationale for putting on this show trial, as I’ve already
discussed here, is not to put KSM on trial and to provide justice to the 9-11 victims but instead to try the Bush administration and in the process reveal potentially damaging sensitve information about our intelligence collecting operations.
More at the link.

RELATED: From Hot Air, "
Graham Grills Holder: Does Bin Laden Need to Be Given His Miranda Rights?" (Via Memeorandum.)

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