Saturday, November 28, 2009

Tiger Woods Having an Affair?

Dan Riehl had up-to-the-minute posting on Tiger Woods' car crash yesterday. I was too busy with the Salahi story and CRU to look into it. But sheesh, this is pretty big. Woods was hospitalized for facial lacerations, but it's being reported that Elin Nordegren, Woods' wife, inflicted the pain. TMZ has the story, "Tiger Woods: Injuries Caused by Wife, Not SUV." (Via Memeorandum.)

And Fox News has this, "
Tiger Woods' Car Crash Came After Explosive Story Claiming Affair":

Tiger Woods' bizarre overnight car crash outside his Florida home came only two days after the National Enquirer published an article claiming the golf champ was having an affair.

Police said they had no knowledge of a fight between Woods, 33, and his wife, Elin, before Woods left their house at 2:25 a.m. Friday — backing out of his driveway and plowing into a fire hydrant and a neighbor's tree in a gated community near Orlando.

The Enquirer's explosive story hit the stands Wednesday contending that Woods has been seeing New York night club hostess Rachel Uchitel and that the pair recently were spotted in Melbourne while Woods was playing in the Australian Masters tournament.

And Elin beat Tiger with a golf club? Ooh, that's harsh! See, "Tiger Woods Wife Elin Nordegren Furious Over 'Affair' With Rachel Uchitel in Australia."

The golfing great's wife, Erin Nordegren, said she rescued her husband from the wreckage using a golf club to smash the car window, but other reports emerging out of the US claimed she had used the club on her husband during their late-night row.

The fight that apparently led to the crash was reportedly sparked by tabloid reports Woods cheated on his wife with a nightclub hostess in Melbourne during the recent Australian Masters.

The Fox report says that Uchitel denies a relationship, but TMZ puts it more crisply, "Tiger's Alleged Mistress: I Never Saw His Putter."

My sense is that, boy, the super-sports celebrity life must be rough!


Man, did Old Tiger tire of his hot Swedish blonde model wife? Unbelievable! Elin was ranked the 3rd hottest sports wife in Coed Magazine's , "
Top 20 Sexiest Athlete Wives of 2007" (pictured):

But compare to Doug Ross, "Rachel Uchitel Photos: The Woman Reported To Have Caused Tiger's Wife to Lay a Smackdown on Him."

So who knows?!!

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