Sunday, November 22, 2009

Sarah Palin's Going Rogue Book Tour Draws Crowds and Controversy - and Predictable Leftist Demonization

I have a new and timely piece up at Pajamas Media, "The Going Rogue Book Tour Draws Crowds and Controversy."

I wrote the essay Friday night, just hours after
Governor Palin issued an apology to fans in Noblesville, Indiana. Recall that hardline netroots bloggers have attacked Governor Palin for leaving hundreds of Indiana fans stranded after she took off from the event at 9:00pm. I'm critical of Palin's handlers at the Pajamas piece. But the story's now becoming more clear. Both Conservatives for Sarah Palin and JammieWearingFool indicate that at least some of the more explosive and viral outrage at the Noblesville event was likely staged by leftist Palin-bashers. Jammie's Just a Grunt rebuts the left's staged attacks, linking to the Politico's piece, "Sarah Palin Embraced in Indiana Republican Hub." And check the video from Politico as well:

Actually, checking the comments at my piece we have some confirmation of disgruntlement among some of Palin's conservative fans (with minor editing):

I was one of those that stood in line and missed meeting her. I arrived at 7 that morning to stand in the 4-hour line to buy 2 books and get a wristband, which were randomly marked with an letter of the alphabet. I brought my son back at 4 to get in line again. An hour later the security guards came out and finally told us what the plan was to let people in (alphabetical order). Her bus arrived (on time)-but only then did security start bringing people in to empty pockets (that could have been started sooner). Each wristband was good for 2 books and 4 family members. And it was clearly stated that she would stop at 9:00. (You do the math!) Our wristband was “N”–and the “M” group was the last to go in. A store employee came out, sheepishly said that the signing was over, and handed out book plates. I was so upset that I left and didn’t get one-and THEN found out the next day that she had signed them, so I would have had at least that momento.

Disappointed? Oh my, you don’t know the half of it!!! But I do not blame any one person-this was not a purposeful slight on anyone, only a huge mistake on the part of a company (Borders) that probably had never had to handle logistics like this before. During my 9 hours standing in the rain and cold, I met a lot of like-minded people, that believe that our country could soon cease to exist as the last free nation in this world. Mrs. Palin is the symbol of what we need to prevent that from happening-honesty, hard work, integrity. Not the now-daily barrage of lies and denigration of us and our values that we get from our politicians.

I am most disappointed in the “boo-ers” at the end of the signing. Bunch of NARCISSISTIC SELF-CENTERED WHINERS. YOU DESERVE OBAMA, AS HE IS THE EPITOMY OF NARCISSISM. And they would have had to known that the media would love to use their actions as more fodder to denigrate a good person. I have never been a “band-wagon” person, but I am afraid for my family and my country. I was not there to make myself happy (well, ok a little, I admit!) but to show my support for HER. Mrs. Palin promised to try to do something to make up for not being able to meet her, and I know I can trust her word. Or I would never have been there in the first place.

Okay, that's settled, so note how there's more despicable attacks on Palin today, from the usual suspects of the smear-mongering left. Matt Taibbi, for example, slams Palin as a "WWE politician" and "political tool":

... Sarah Palin sells copies. She is the country’s first WWE politician — a cartoon combatant who inspires stadiums full of frustrated middle American followers who will cheer for her against whichever villain they trot out, be it Newsweek, Barack Obama, Katie Couric, Steve Schmidt, the Mad Russian, Randy Orton or whoever. Her followers will not know that she is the perfect patsy for our system, designed as it is to channel popular anger in any direction but a useful one, and to keep the public tied up endlessly in pointless media melees over meaningless nonsense (melees of the sort that develop organically around Palin everywhere she goes). Like George W. Bush, even Palin herself doesn’t know this, another reason she’s such a perfect political tool.

With Pavolian predictability, Andrew Sullivan piles on Taibbi's obnoxious screed. And Frank Rich, the left's most useful idiot, uses yet another New York Times column to smear and slander conservative activists as basically racist "teabaggers" (or, in Rich's code words, that "demographic is white and non-urban"). And Rich's gets a dig in at Bill Kristol and others as "discredited neocon hacks."

And for all that, there's no mention by either Matt Tabbai or Frank Rich of President Obama's widely-panned diplomatic tour of Asia. See, "Barack Obama Dream Fades as China Visit Fails to Bring Change: Even His Allies Feel Let Down by the President’s Lack of Progress Both in Asia and at Home."

No doubt Sarah Palin's to blame for that.

Hat Tip:
Theo Spark.


UPDATE: Linked at The Rhetorican, "Staging Anger…" Thanks!!

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