Saturday, February 14, 2009

A Fundamental Reworking of Our Priorities

This morning's Wall Street Journal cuts right to the chase in their editorial, "1,073 Pages":

Democrats rushed the bill to the floor before Members could even read it, much less have time to broadcast the details so the public could offer its verdict.

So much for Democratic promises of a new era of transparency.

That's exactly what Democrats do not want, transparency. What they do want is a wholesale transformation of American life. In response to the notion that the bill was smaller than Democrats had hoped, Charles Lemos at MyDD comes clean on the truth of what's up on the socialist left:

The awful truth is that the economy will continue to shed jobs and 2009 will be marked by a painful contraction of the global economy. The problem is a systemic one and it cannot be cured by fiscal stimulus or even shock therapy. A fundamental reworking of our economic priorities is in order. We need to rethink globalization and unregulated free markets. We have to tackle the world that securitization built, a financial system run amok.

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