Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Pam Spaulding: A Black Lesbian Who is Wickedly Dishonest

Check out this post at Pam Spaulding's: "Conservative Claims Ignorance, Says the Bestiality Argument Hasn't Been Used Against Gays."

That "conservative" would be me, and of course, the allegation - while provocative - is not true. As I said at the post, " I can't recall the word ever being used by conservatives, or anything close to it."

Of course, since leftists can't actually defend themselves in an actual debate, they simply lie and scurry for cover. Note, for example, Ms. Spaulding's
snarky query:

Someone please show conservative Donald Douglas how to use "the Google"?
Funny that she throws that out like that. I found Spaulding's piece while googling information on today's Washington Post piece, "Gay Bloggers' Voices Rise in Chorus of Growing Political Influence:"

Only the blogosphere, perhaps, has room for Pam Spaulding - a black lesbian who lives in North Carolina, the only state in the South that has not banned same-sex marriage ....

Pam's House Blend is an influential voice in the gay political blogosphere, must-reads that include the Bilerico Project, Towleroad and AMERICAblog, each attracting a few hundred to a few thousand hits a day. Just as the liberal Net-roots and the conservative "rightroots" movements have affected traditional party structures, the still relatively small gay political presence online is rebooting the gay rights movement in a decentralized, spontaneous, bottom-up way.
Now, note something else. Ms. Spaulding did not initially link to American Power. A bit cowardly, no (which is perhaps why she's linking now)? She did, naturally, decide to throw a link to Repsac3's post, "Donald Douglas & Conservative Bestiality," from where I've been getting traffic all day.

So let's be clear about all of this. I'm not being "schooled" on anything here. This is a cheap smear, with added allegations of "conservative bestiality" (I mean really, is it now the conservatives who are allegedly "bestial"?).

As I noted above, I've been blogging on these issues for months, and I've yet to see conservative attacks on gay activists in such terms. Repsac3, provides no examples of such attacks in the CURRENT DEBATE post-Proposition 8, none. There is, though, the obligatory link to some obscure Jerry Falwell, Jr., audiotape that no one's ever seen, and I'm sure he'll be back trolling the comments (as usual) after doing another exhaustive round of googling.

I've hammered Pam Spaulding repeatedly on the left's neo-Stalinist "No on H8" demonizations, and we've seen not one word in response until today. Wow, now that's some "influential voice"! Smear, slur, but never defend yourself.

Frankly, folks like this can't win the debate on the merits. Rather,
we see attacks on "the fundievangelical movement" as an "evil, Bible-beating, anti-gay organization." Or these idiots resort to the same ugly slurs on conservatives that they themselves purportedly decry:

Repsac, it's not that wingnuts don't enjoy rogering the occasional sheep, mule, etc.; it's just that the illicit quality of the relationship leads to a heightened state of arousal. If you make bestiality legal, then the thrill is gone. Surely you've heard that in wingnut circles, the men are men and the sheep are nervous.
Isn't all of this interesting. Not only are leftists completely bankrupt in argumentation, they've got double standards as well! Who knew?

Honestly, I don't not think Pam Spaulding enjoys "rogering the occasional sheep, mule, etc...," and I have never said so much about any homosexual gay-marriage backer. I have identified them in terms of postmodern nihilism, which is used as ideological nomenclature, not personal attacks. No doubt the truth hurts, in any case.

As always, I'm open to debating all of this on the issues. But as we've seen so many times already, leftists will not only lie but they'll berate, besmirch, and bully their way to the redefinition of marriage if it's the last thing they do.


UPDATE: Check this out Repsac3's comment at

American Power is an addictive, guilty pleasure. It’s just too easy...
Too easy to make a hypocritical idiot of himself, one can only assume.

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