Monday, February 16, 2009

Tammy Bruce: Conservative Moral Power

I'm reading Tammy Bruce's, The New American Revolution: Using the Power of the Individual to Save Our Nation from Extremists. I was particularly struck by this passage on the left's devilish program of moral confiscation, which needs no further comment from me:

I was privileged to be a part of a panel at David Horowitz's Restoration Weekend, an annual event that brings together like-minded independent thinkers. After my presentation, two women approached me. They identified themselves as conservatives and confessed they had finally accepted that conservatives should acquiese the moral high ground to liberals and focus on their strong points - economics and limited government.

I was astounded. Here were two smart people, both businesswomen and quite successful, attending a conference that showed they were aware, educated, and in touch with the details and realities of our cultural and political civil war. And yet even they had been so brainwashed by the Left that they not only believed the Left was a moral force, they had lost touch with the power and morality of their own conservative foundation.

Here's what I told these women: It is the conservative who holds the moral high ground. The Left Elite, whether through lies or their own paralyzing groupthink, are the opposite of what they claim. Not only do they lack any sort of moral authority, but also they have desecrated the very idea of decency and values by using those ideals as slogans in their attempts to smash them into oblivion.

You must realize the Left's effort is not to gain the moral high ground, it is only to squat and defile that land once they have tricked you into leaving it. Make no mistake, their intention is not to act morally or enact decent policies or truly help the individual. It is to take the moral high ground from you so you will have no place to stand.

If Leftists can successfully make you feel as though they will take care of the moral needs of this nation (do you realize how absurd that sounds?), then you will stop daring to interfere, they hope. And when you stop interfering, when you retreat, the Left's own hypocritical inaction guarantees this nation will be condemned by their god of nihilism, narcissism, and self-hate.

But they can only do it if they can manage to make you believe the sickening lie that they have morality and decency on their side, while you are sadly lacking. It is imperative for you to know that they are working feverishly to steal your identity. They want you to believe, as the women at the conference did, that you have been usurped by better, more compassionate people.

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