Friday, February 27, 2009

Obama's Revolution: "A Very Different Country"

Here's an update to my post from the other day, "Obama Echoes Reagan in '81: Came the Revolution?"

It turns out the Wall Street Journal makes a similarly interesting observations, "
The Obama Revolution:"

In the closing weeks of last year's election campaign, we wrote that Democrats had in mind the most sweeping expansion of government in decades. Liberals clucked, but it turns out even we've been outbid. With yesterday's fiscal 2010 budget proposal, President Obama is attempting not merely to expand the role of the federal government but to put it in such a dominant position that its power can never be rolled back.
Read the whole thing, here. The Democrats are moving very fast: Right now they can still blame the recession on George W. Bush while ferverishly hastening the shift to "a very different country."

Hat Tip:

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