Wednesday, February 18, 2009

The Left's BushHitler Double Standard

It's just the beginning, no doubt, but readers will shake their heads at the faux uproar against Michelle Malkin and conservatives at the anti-"swindle us" rally yesterday in Colorado:

Michelle Malkin's got the story, "Nutroots Suddenly Hypersensitive About Nazi/President Comparisons."

Malkin posed for a photo yesterday with an activist holding a "No Obama" sign with a large encircled swastika (
here). ProgressiveNow Colorado immediately went into the attack mode:

ProgressNow Colorado was at today's presser put on by Colorado Republicans and their Big Oil-funded front groups ....

That's noted right-wing shill Michelle Malkin posing with who we've dubbed "Swastika Guy," owing to the sign he carried right onto the stage with State Senator Josh Penry, Congressman Mike Coffman, Colorado GOP Chairman Dick Wadhams, State Senator Dave Schultheis, former Congressman Tom Tancredo, and Independence Institute president Jon Caldara, among others. None of whom did anything about it, and in fact one person defended the guy to one of our people saying that the swastika is not a Nazi symbol, but an honored Native American symbol.
These folks aren't too bright, and even Media Matters piles on the stupidity with its own spin:

Ohhhh, wait a minute. I get it. The man with the sign isn't professing his affinity for Nazis. He isn't even identifying himself as a Nazi. The swastika in question has a circle around it forming an O and the rest of the sign reads "BAMA". Get it? Obama is a Nazi. That's much better. Sigh.
A quick click through to some of the links at Malkin's finds this from Democratic Underground: "'Bushitler' (George W. Bush Comparable to Adolf Hitler)."

I found this jewel at the link: "
The Neocon Pledge to Bushitler":

Those of you who still believe in George W. Bush and his party, please place your right hand over your heart and repeat the following – all eleven of you.

I BELIEVE that President Bush is a good Christian, who is guided by God in all of his decisions – even when God tells him to torture, steal, lie, kill hundreds of thousands of innocent civilians, and ignore his own citizens when they are dying in New Orleans ....

I BELIEVE that good Christian values should be part of government – except when it comes to feeding the hungry, sheltering the homeless, and caring for the sick, in which case Christian values have no place in government at all.

In summary, I BELIEVE everything I am told to believe by people who have lied to me, deceived my country, manipulated the government in order to line their own pockets, eroded my rights, destroyed my freedoms, and wave their ability to get away with it in my face at every opportunity.

I BELIEVE – because I am an idiot who will believe anything.
Leftist double standards at work ...

Keep the pressure on, folks.

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