Friday, February 20, 2009

Worst Case Scenario? Preparing for Anarchy in America

I just watched Glenn Beck's show on Fox News. He's been doing a series of broadcasts on impending, all-out social breakdown, and he asks, "Our government thinks it needs to be prepared for the worst-case scenario. Why would it be crazy for you to want the same thing?"

Here's the

That's the conclusion to the episode.

At the introduction he's talking about at the total collapse of the United States by 2014. All banks have been nationalized. Business and unions are run by the government. 50 million people are unemployed worldwide, and countries have collapsed. Mexico has been taken over by narco-terrorists. He even had to run a disclaimer at the beginning of the show, lest people think this was like "War of the Worlds."

The funny thing is that I just went out to lunch with a former student of mine and we were discussing this exact same thing.

I mentioned what I saw as frightening left-wing craziness and moral breakdown across the land, and I said off-hand that we needed to dig in our heels and fight the Obama hordes who are nationalizing everything. I suggested that we could have Democrats in power for two terms or more, and the total breakdown of society wasn't that far-fetched. Oh sure, we'd still have constitutional democracy, but America would be different: Abortion on demand, marriage abolished in favor of a civil-union smorgasbord, our military downsized and hollowed out, backed by unconditional diplomacy with our enemies from Caracas to Southern Lebanon to Tehran. Multiculturalism takes over the schools with conservatism and traditional speech prohibited under a new regime of "hate crimes" legislation (which is starting to happen now, for example, UCLA Chicano Studies Research Center, "Hate Speech on Commercial Talk Radio").

My friend said he was thinking about buying a little house out in Montana or somewhere so he'd have a retreat for his family if the country erupted into Katrina-like anarchy on a national scale. He mentioned that California is expecting a Biblical-level earthquake at any time, and our state government is totally incompetent. He wants to be ready.

I spoke with another friend about this, and here's a snippet of what her family has been doing amid real concerns of American anarchy:

I think that there is going to be a serious shortage of food, and personally, we have been buying food for storage for the past few months, and will continue to do so.

Besides the food, we are stocking up on many other essentials ... like over-the-counter meds, and first aid supplies. We are stocking multi-vitamins and minerals, allergy meds, ibuprophen, etc. We are in town, which concerns me, but there is not much that we can do about that, now. As things progress, there are going to be roaming gangs of people, taking whatever they can get from anyone who has anything.

Up until last year, we never owned any kind of weapon, and now we have five. I don't know if you are aware of this, or not, but it is getting harder and harder to buy ammo..stores are selling out as quickly as they get it in ... and the price is going up by the week. Food prices are increasing rapidly. We are very aware of it ... Even in those stores, some items have increased as much as a dollar or more on some items.

I have a friend who was a teacher in Texas, who moved his entire family to Idaho, and built a home in the mountains, and has been stocking it for a long time. Another friend is on a mountain, outside of Atlanta, and he has made his home like a fortress.
So, let's think about Glenn Beck's hypothetical question, "Would it be crazy for us to prepare for a worst-case scenario"?

I don't really think so, although look at how easy it is for
extreme left-wing blogger Dave Neiwert to smear Glenn Beck as an apocalyptic crackpot. I'm sure the prospect of conservative annihilation warms his heart.

Things are seriously out of whack in this country. My basic sense is that the economy will work its way out of recession in the next year or two. Companies will start hiring and investing, the housing market should bottom-out before too long (on its own, via the price mechanism and the shake out in toxic mortgages), and the Republican Party will emerge out of its current funk to offer up a credible - and potentially sensational - challenger to the White House in 2012.

That said, a possible two-terms of Barack Obama, and perhaps another Democratic administration after that, will leave a legacy of increasing socialization and social-leveling, while a growing moral decay sweeps across the land among the "multi-culti" constituencies of the Democratic Party establishment.

It is no wonder why regular Americans are making preparations for some type of end-times scenario. Taking into consideration what has happened in Washington this past couple of weeks, who can second guess them?

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