Sunday, February 22, 2009

Worst President Ever...

I know, I know ... it's too soon to say if Barack Obama will go down as the worst president in history, but after just the first month of stumbles, and by the looks of the incredible grassroots anti-porkulus activism around the nation, "The One" sure is swinging for the bleachers.

But it's not just Obama's stimulus socialism. Scott at Flopping Aces has a run-down:

* He takes Bush’s position on warrantless wiretaps.

* He hires cronies for political appointments.

* He increases the deficit by a trillion or more (and that’s just his first month!) .

* He stops giving detainees trials.

* He hasn’t closed Gitmo (issued an order to try, but Bush tried too).

* He will still do renditions.

* He wrote caveats into his own Exec Orders to still allow for torture like water-boarding.

* He put a guy in charge at CIA who admits to doing 60-80 renditions HIMSELF.

* He sent 17000 Americans to Afghanistan w no plan and no timeline for withdrawal.

* He has not ordered the withdrawal from Iraq in 16 months.

* He ignored millions of Americans devastated by an ice storm in Tennesee, W Virginia, and Kentucky.

* He has NOT HELPED the economy one bit.

* He has no plan to solve even a single challenge facing his admin.
Oh well, at least he has a D next to his name and can read a teleprompter.


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