Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Jindal Torpedoes Presidential Aspirations

Commenting on Louisiana Governor Bobby Jindal's GOP rebuttal to the President Obama's State of the Union Address last night, Greg Veis offers some grist for the "epic fail" meme: "Americans are scared enough these days to prefer policy solutions to partisan sniping. But, holy crap, did Jindal blow it."

Here's the video, via Hot Air, "
Jindal’s “Awful” Rebuttal:

The full text is here.

I haven't paid that much attention to Jindal, mainly because I don't see him as an attractive presidential candidate. He's got a fabulous resume, but some of his separation-of-church-and-state issues are way more aggressive than the GOP should go - and I'm saying that as a fairly hardline social conservative.

Randy Barnett offered a early warning yesterday at Volokh Conspiracy, "Defining 'Creationism' Down":

If your favorite candidate is on record favoring creationism as science to be taught in government schools, he or she has sunk already himself on the national political scene whether you like it or not. Better find another candidate.

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