Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Americans See Democratic Party as “Too Liberal”

That's Gallup poll director Frank Newport in the video:

It turns out that the public sees the Dems as more liberal than they see the GOP as conservative, "More Americans See Democratic Party as “Too Liberal”":

The Democratic Party continues to hold the upper hand over the Republican Party in the current U.S. political environment by a variety of measures, including party identification and party favorable ratings. However, compared to last year, Americans are significantly more likely to see the Democratic Party as too liberal, and as a result, they are somewhat more likely to view the party as being too far left than to perceive the Republican Party as too far right. That may expose a bit of a vulnerability for the Democratic Party, and if perceptions of the Democratic Party as being too liberal continue to grow, the GOP may be able to win back some of the support it has lost in recent years. But that may be possible only if the Republicans are at the same time able to convince the public that they are not too far to the political right.
Oh, and remember: We're the right-wing "extremists."

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