Wednesday, July 1, 2009

The Filibuster-Proof Majority

Markos Moulitsas' wide-eyed glee in this MSNBC video is almost creepy:

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Ezra Klein notes how short-lived these legislative majories are, with the implication that the Dems better ram home their program while they've got the chance: "Democrats Have 60 Votes. What Will They Do With Them?"

At The Hill, "Another vote for card-check bill" (via Memeorandum).

Dick Morris suggests the GOP should stand its ground against the disastrous Obama policy agenada.

Actually, I'm glad the Minnesota race is done. Now we'll really see the Democratic agenda in action. The Dems are the country's majority party. They'll have responsiblity for the policy disasters under their watch. As
Private Pigg said about Al Franken in the comments here yesterday:
I'm glad he won. The last thing we needed was the economy to be stinky and Democrats to be able to point to Republicans who were actually able to kill some Dem programs and use them as scapegoats. Now the Dems can ram their crap through, over-reach, and be out of power in 2 and 4 years.
Video Hat Tip: Hot Air.

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