Thursday, July 9, 2009

Patriots Counterprotest MoveOn and ACORN

Via Michelle Malkin and This Ain't Hell (and Memeorandum), check out Gathering of Eagles - NY, "AAR – MoveOn and Acorn Meet Patriots":


Patriots from the Conservative Society for Action, Gathering of Eagles, Active and the 912 Group rallied in front of the offices of Senator Charles Schumer to counter the staged pro-nationalized healthcare rally planned by and ACORN.

The first moonbats arrived and almost immediately called the police because they hate free speech and any opposition to their agenda. One of their old biddies called me a racist for opposing health care for illegal immigrants. Unfortunately for them the first amendment is still enforced in this country and the police would not interfere with our counter protest.

Things went downhill for the Soros stooges from there ....
Michelle notes of the growing conservative protest movement:

You won’t see these on the front page of the New York Times. But it’s happening more often than you think — and it’s all the more remarkable and newsworthy given that most Tea Party folks, unlike the Soros-funded astroturf protest mobsters, have full-time jobs and families ...
Check Gathering of Eagles for more pictures.

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