Thursday, July 9, 2009

WaPo's Sally Quinn Blames Sarah Palin For Sexist Letterman Attacks

I just found this story at Gateway Pundit, "WaPo Writer Blames Sarah Palin For Letterman's Attacks On Her Children."

While searching for video I found this classic screen-cap at Free Republic. The full piece is from last September, by Jeffrey Lord, "
Who Is Sally Quinn?" The highlighted part is killer:

The Sally Quinns of the world were given cachet because liberals like Ben Bradlee got to do whatever the hell they pleased with their power in the media and there wasn't a damn thing the rest of the country could do as one conservative after another from Barry Goldwater to Ronald Reagan to Robert Bork to Clarence Thomas, Dan Quayle, Miguel Estrada, and on and on right up to today's Sarah Palin were trashed. And I do mean trashed. They were painted as idiots, warmongers, bigots, boobs, religious fanatics, wild-eyed zealots, racists, sexual harassers, and God only knows what else. This kind of garbage was bannered and blared unchallenged from every one of the three major networks, the New York Times, the Washington Post, Time, Newsweek and the rest of the liberal acolyte media organs. For decades. Until the advent of everything from conservative magazines such as the one you are reading to talk radio to the Internet to Fox collectively shattered the media monopoly.
An old but great essay!

The whole thing is here!

Recall that Sally Quinn stirred controversy over Sarah Palin during last year's campaign, "On CNN, WaPo's Quinn Questions Palin's Ability to 'Put Country First'."

She tried to walk it back later. See, "
Sally Quinn Apologizes For Sarah Palin Remarks … Sort of Maybe Not-So-Much."

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