Thursday, November 5, 2009

'House Call' Today: Michele Bachmann Protest Will Be 'Super Bowl of Freedom'

Here's a video roundup of Michele Bachmann making the case for her "House Call" protest today on Capitol Hill. Renew America has an information page, "Rep. Michelle Bachmann's National Tea Party."

Also, from Patricia Murphy, "
Michele Bachmann's Capitol House Call: 'Get Your Hands Off My Health Care!'":

Rep. Michele Bachmann's message for conservatives traveling to Washington to attend her Capitol Hill House Call event Thursday is simple: "Go into the Capitol and find members of Congress," she told activists Wednesday night. "Don't bring your pitchforks, bring your video cameras. And get them on record saying how they're going to vote and why. And tell them, 'Take your hands off my health care!' "

Bachmann (R-Minn.) gave the marching orders on a conference call of top activists, many of whom planned to board buses in New Jersey and North Carolina Thursday morning to attend the event that the congresswoman thought up last week. "Nothing is more influential than an eyeball-to-eyeball meeting between a freedom-loving constituent and a member of Congress," she explained. "Nothing scares a member of Congress more than freedom-loving Americans."

Bachmann said she thought up the event as she lamented the speed with which the Democrats' health care reform bills were moving through Congress. "I was near despair," she said. "I was thinking, 'It looks like this bill is going to go through.' But then I thought, 'This is it. This is the Super Bowl of Freedom.'"
Also, Congressman Mike Pence has organized a 12-hour online town hall meeting to run tandem with Representative Bachmann's "House Call." See, "GOP Organizes 12-hour Online Town Hall for Thursday." (RELATED: The Washington Post, "House Expected to Vote on Health Bill Saturday." Via Memeorandum. AND, from Pat in Shreveport, "Here Comes Obamacare: Melt the Phones!)

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